Registering With a Checking or Savings Account
Checking and savings account numbers are 11 digits. If your account number has 8 digits, add zeros in front until it has 11 digits.
i.e. 12345678 would be entered as 00012345678.
Reminder: Your zip code is your physical address, not your mailing address.

Registering With a Loan Account
Loan account numbers are broken into 2 sections separated by a dash. There is the account number which is 11 digits, and the “loan note number’ which is 5 digits.
If your account number is less than 11 digits, add zeros in front until it has 11. Likewise, if your loan note is less than 5 digits, add zeros in front until it has 5.
i.e. Loan 12345678 with loan note 1 would be entered as 00012345678-00001.
Reminder: Your zip code is your physical address, not your mailing address.

Registering With a Certificate of Deposit
Certificate of Deposit account numbers are broken into 2 sections separated by a dash. There is the account number which is 11 digits, and the “certificate note number’ which is 5 digits.
If your Certificate of Deposit account number is less than 11 digits, add zeros in front until it has 11. Likewise, if your certificate of deposit note is less than 5 digits, add zeros in front until it has 5.
i.e. Certificate of Deposit 12345678 with note 1 would be entered as 00012345678-00001.
Reminder: Your zip code is your physical address, not your mailing address.